Orient Planet, has received a 100 per cent satisfaction rating from Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU) for services rendered during 2016. The university gave Orient Planet perfect scores for Quality, Delivery and Price after a thorough review of its performance last year and commended its long-standing partner for its exemplary support, high degree of professionalism, and passion for excellence.
For several years, Orient Planet has been developing compelling public relations campaigns to elevate HBMSU as a university of choice across the Arab World with a vision of shaping the future of education and learning through innovation. The company has received numerous recognitions for effectively conveying HBMSU's desire to foster a culture of quality, innovation and research through smart learning across the local, regional and global markets. The HBMSU Suppliers Services Satisfaction Review for 2016 gave Orient Planet a perfect 'A' rating as one of the university's most productive partners.
Commenting on Orient Planet Group's latest recognition, Nidal Abou Zaki, Managing Director of Orient Planet, said: "Orient Planet Group's positive relationship with HBMSU is characterized by trust and mutual respect. The perfect service satisfaction rating we have received reflects our full commitment to giving the university the highest level of service it truly deserves as a pioneer of smart learning in the region. We shall continue to strategically promote HBMSU's vision, achievements, and plans and help it spark an educational revolution across the Arab World through its unique innovation-driven approach to fostering academic excellence in the fields of business, quality management, education, healthcare, and the environment."